Compact Power Distribution and Control for IT/AV Applications
The PXO’s slim and space-saving chassis design allows the device to be mounted almost anywhere, like under a meeting room table, behind a wall-mounted monitor or TV, at POS stations, by industrial devices, and much more. The network-enabled controller allows the unit to be monitored and controlled from anywhere in the world, 24x7, making it a perfect application for powering IT and audiovisual (AV) systems.

Remote Power Cycling to Outlets
Save on operational expenses and eliminate the need for manual intervention by remotely controlling power to individual outlets with our switchable PDU outlets, ensuring efficient equipment reboot and minimizing downtime.

Compact Power Distribution
With its sleek and compact design, our slim form factor is ideal for a wide range of local AV and IT applications, including meeting rooms, bank ATMs, retail POS systems, electronic gaming facilities, laboratories, classrooms, and hospitals.

120V NEMA and 208V IEC Options
Choose from a variety of options including NEMA outlets (120V) or IEC outlets (220-240V), allowing you to standardize a single PDU platform for both domestic and international applications.

Optimize Your Environment
Enable the connection of environmental monitoring sensors or motion control sensors to monitor remote conditions with ease.

Raritan PDU Selector
Streamline your search for the perfect power distribution unit with our intuitive PDU selector tool, offering an effortless way to find the ideal solution that meets your specific requirements and ensures reliable power management for your data center.
PDU SelectorContact us for expert guidance and tailored solutions to optimize your power distribution needs.
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