Data Centers run many different applications, often multiple in the same room, with varying power needs and server connection types. The more varied the data center is, the more complex and time-consuming its deployment can become when selecting the right products.
The all-new Server Technology PRO4X PDU builds on the existing industry-leading technology and award-winning outlet designs to bring next-level intelligence features. This combination provides best-in-class outlet and power density, flexibility, reliability, security, and accurate data collection, ensuring you can meet today's and tomorrow's power challenges.
Features & Benefits

Alternating Phase Outlets
Simplify power load balancing in your racks by using alternating phase outlets that alternate power on a per-outlet basis rather than a per-branch basis. A better load balance reduces the chance of tripping a PDU or circuit breaker in the cabinet.
Additional benefits are quicker installation times due to simpler cable guiding and shorter cable lengths, resulting in improved airflow, making it ideal for high density cabinets.

High Density Outlet Technology (HDOT) Outlets
The patented design removes unnecessary outlet moldings to reduce the space outlets traditionally demand.
HDOT outlets are more than 20% smaller than traditional outlets, allowing you to have more outlets available in the same footprint.

HDOT Cx Outlets
This industry-first hybrid outlet combines a C13 and C19 into one outlet, allowing you to plug a C20 or C14 power cable into the outlet without any extra parts.
The Cx outlets offer maximum flexibility, enabling you to customize multiple PDU configurations and reducing the need to purchase new PDUs when equipment updates occur.

RamLock Mechanical Locking
This retention mechanism secures C14 and C20 plugs to your PDU without requiring special cables, sleeves, or adapters.
It is designed to allow an easy one-handed manoeuvre when unplugging a cable, with a high-retention outlet that prevents unintentional disconnections.

45-Degree Angled Infeed
The new infeed design simplifies the PDU specification process, allowing you to position the PDU where needed, so you no longer have to consider whether it's a bottom, top or front fed PDU.
This flexible design reduces strain on the cord and improves cord access, extending the PDU lifespan.

iX Controller powered by Xerus™
The PRO4X PDU has a brand-new center of intelligence, a hot-swappable controller powered by XerusTM firmware, featuring multiple connectivity ports.
It offers the highest reliability and multi-layer redundancy with an extensive suite of environmental sensors and other compatible accessories that can seamlessly integrate with our Xerus-powered devices.

Advanced Power Quality Monitoring and Metrics
Improve PDU metering accuracy by 50% compared to the previous generation, reaching a metering accuracy of ±0.5% in all metrics at the inlet and outlet level.
Benefit from new metrics like neutral voltage, total harmonic distortion, voltage dips and swells, and features like waveform capture to understand the health of your data center and analyse the root cause of incidents.

Visibility in Total Harmonic Distortion
The Server Technology PRO4X PDU is the first rack PDU to measure total harmonic distortion at the cabinet and device levels.
With rack PDUs being the last interface between the data center infrastructure and the equipment, measuring THD at the PDU level gives you complete visibility on how harmonics can distort the power quality through the entire data center power chain.

Peak and Minimum/Maximum Power Metrics
When monitoring power information, having an easy-to-read and reliable overview of the peak and minimum and maximum values of the metrics the PDU monitors is crucial. This enables you to review and compare normal vs. unusual situations to make informed decisions on corrective action.
The Server Technology PRO4X PDUs update minimum and maximum values every second while keeping a record of previous values to keep your data center information up to date.

Circuit Breaker Trip Forensics & Waveform Capture
The Server Technology PRO4X PDU can identify the outlet that caused a circuit breaker to trip, both via the GUI and physically, with LED light indications at the PDU level.
The new waveform capture feature provides screenshots of the current and voltage waveforms to provide further data insights and to help you identify and resolve issues.

Find Your Desired PDU
Server Technology takes pride in having a vast rack PDU portfolio that allows customers to find the exact PDU to match their needs.

Server Technology Build Your Own PDU
Discover the ultimate power distribution unit (PDU) customization experience with our Build Your Own PDU selector. Visit our website and easily assemble your ideal PDU solution, tailored to your specific needs and preferences. Take control of your power management strategy and design a PDU that perfectly aligns with your requirements, ensuring optimal performance and efficiency for your data center.
Build Your Own PDUContact us for expert guidance and tailored solutions to optimize your power distribution needs.
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