Our demos and test drives are also flexible and customizable. You can choose which features and functionalities you want to test, and our team of experts are available to guide you through the process, providing you with the information and support you need to make an informed decision via our online demo option.

PX Intelligent Power Distribution Units
Test Drive
The all-new Raritan PX4 Rack PDU doesn’t just solve today’s power needs; it anticipates tomorrow’s power challenges. The PX4 combines 30+ years of battle-tested intelligence with industry-proven outlet technology for unparalleled visibility, flexibility, and security.

Dominion KX III
Test Drive
An enterprise-class KVM-over-IP switch featuring HD video and secure BIOS-level access and control of up to 64 multi-platform servers. Click on the link above to take it for a test drive now!

Dominion KX IV-101
Test Drive
An ultra-high-performance single port, KVM-over-IP switch with 4K high resolution video. A powerful and flexible solution, which supports higher video resolutions, faster frame rates, higher video quality, and faster virtual media. Click on the link above to take it for a test drive now!